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Your Commission

A Personalised Quantum Energy Art Piece Specifically For Your Healing Intention and Journey.

Image by Greg Rakozy


This is a crucial part of the process. All my energy healing, whichever modality I am working with, is more powerful and meaningful when we journey together toward your desired outcome. My intention in our session will be to hold space for your healing, with honesty, integrity, unconditional love and compassion, and I will invite and guide you to set your healing intention with love and kindness to self. By consciously directing your thoughts and energy towards a desired outcome as if it was already a reality, it will indeed start to become your reality. May I therefore ask you to give this some consideration before our session.


Prior to our session I will spend an hour in meditation so that I am consciously operating at my optimum energy level of:


Love – Creativity – Trust – Openness – Flow


During our session we will firstly do a connection exercise involving breathwork, visualistion and release. We will then set your intention and investigate what that looks like for you. Please know that this is not a deep dive into emotions. It is a conscious connection to your intention. Do you feel it anywhere in your body? Is there a colour that comes to mind when you think of it? etc. I will then begin channeling. I ask that you remain attached to your intention as I do this. The initial sketch and writing in this session does not take very long. Please note that the length of this session varies from person to person. Please allow an hour as a maximum.


Investment - $330.00

With your intention in my consciousness I continue to download information, energy and vibration as I work on your meditation and activation package. I aim to have your digital work with you within a week.


You will receive:

  • Your digital artwork

A black and white version that you can print on any colour paper that feels right for you

A coloured version

  • A recommended frequency to listen to whilst meditating with your art

  • A recommended mantra to listen to and/or chant whilst meditating with your art

  • An original signed copy will also be posted to you

  • Channeled notes from our session and anything else that comes through whilst working on your piece


During our time together, Sharon held a safe space, where I felt, seen and heard while she imparted wisdom straight to the heart, mind and soul. She has a multi-layered empowering gift that is a wonderful transformative experience.


The art she creates is not only beautifully inspired but is a living piece that opens and shares with my heart every time I engage with it. Every time I look at it, I see and feel something new. Thank you Sharon for sharing your wonderful gift with me ❤️


Thank you for the digital version - it looks really 3D in that format. I have been using the work as a starting point for meditation and intention setting. It really has a distinct vibration and has helped me to energetically flow. I really appreciate your beautiful gift. xxx


I was blessed to work alongside Sharon and receive some of her channeled art, and also some light language song! Sharon was professional, detailed and compassionate throughout the experience. She put hours of work into my art, which is stunning! The information she channeled about the main issue resonated deeply in my being, and I felt a lot happening in my body especially while listening to her transmission. I also felt lots of energies coming through the art. I would recommend Sharon and her work to anyone that resonates with quantum / energy healing.


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