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Chakra Healing



This resource will give you the following information and tools to help you in your healing journey by supporting you to clear chakra energetic blocks:


• What is Energy - Quantum Physics meets Spirit

• Identifying Habitual Emotions and Behaviours

• Information about energy levels

• How to identify emotions and behaviours – Where are you vibing?

• Your Energetic Centers – Chakras

• Chart to identtify emo8ons and possible issues and how they can effect certain organs and cause physical issues

• Mindfulness meditation practice recommendations and how to guide

• The importance of intention setting on your healing journey

• Pieces of art to work with

• Your healing toolkit for each chakra

  • About the chakra
  • About the art
  • Questions to identify energetic blocks
  • Affirmations
  • Mantra to use
  • Frequency to use
  • Crystals to use


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