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Energy Healing

in person or online

My intention in all energy healing sessions is to hold space for your healing, with honesty, integrity, unconditional love and compassion.

Self-Harmony Through Intentional Energy Healing.

Harmonic Healing Session

Be welcomed into a room filled with the healing aroma of oils and incense.


I then invite and guide you to set your healing intention. By consciously directing your thoughts and energy towards a desired outcome as if it was already a reality, it will indeed start to become your reality.


I intuitively use an alchemy of vibrational healing modalities that include sound, energy and aroma frequency to balance your energies and natural rhythms, shifting energetic blocks and low vibrational energies so that you are harmonised and able to heal and facilitate personal growth, better relationships and spiritual harmony.


The frequencies I use will take you into the deeply relaxed Alpha-Theta state, which is considered the optimum frequency for healing.

By raising your vibration, shifts will occur and emotions can be brought to the surface so at the end of each session time is allowed to ground with a cup of herbal tea and a chat about your experience.


90 minutes - $123

123 is the number that brims with high vibrations and positive energy. It is all about harmony, connection, and growth.

Intentional Energy Healing

With healing intentions set, I will intuitively use both Reiki and Quantum Energy, to work on your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.


60 minutes - $90

Energy Healing
Reiki & Quantum

With conscious, mindful intention energy healing promotes relaxation, shifts energetic blocks, recalibrates and harmonises your natural energies both in your physical body and in your biofield, (interacting fields of energy and information that surround all living things) which in turn can reduce stress and anxiety on your mind, body and spirit.


Through gentle touch on the body (fully clothed) and working off body in your biofield, I use my hands to deliver channeled energy to you, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support your own natural healing.

Reiki Energy Healing

Sound Healing

Sound healing is a therapy whereby our harmonic balance is restored by consciously using the vibrations of healing instruments and voice to integrate ancient wisdom, modern science and music for healing by raising vibration and balancing energies.

I use crystal singing bowls, tibetan bowls, tuning forks, drums, chimes, shakers and my voice.

Sound Healing

Aroma Frequency

All aromas have a frequency, some higher than others, and essential oils have some of the highest of any natural substance known to man.


They can invoke feelings of wellness and vitality through a process called “entrainment”, which is the process of synchronising two beats to become harmonious; stimulating the brain into a certain state which promotes the healing process. Be welcomed into a room filled with healing aroma.

Oils and incense used and their frequency:

Frankincense - 147MHz   Sandalwood – 98MHz    Peppermint – 78MHz    Lavender – 118MHz

Eastern Dream Blend (sweet orange, vanilla, lemongrass, frankincense, clove bud and sandalwood)

Aroma Therapy



What a wholeheartedly beautiful experience.  Sharon opens her heart and space creating such a safe container for energetic healing through very individualized means. She has such a wealth of knowledge and personal experience and it’s so easy to connect with her around all things spiritual over a cup of tea and dark chocolate. Harmonic healing is aroha and manaaki embodied. Highly recommend for anyone seeking to build safety within or anyone seeking or curious about energetic and holistic healing.

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